Why should I join a one hundred percent real estate brokerages, for other than the obvious reason of keeping all my commission ?
If keeping all your money isn't enough reason to join a flat fee brokerage, below is a Top 10 List of reasons agents join a virtual online real estate company:

1) Finally be your own boss. As a real estate agent you don't "work for" a broker, the broker is supposed to work for you.
2) No driving to work
3) No mandatory meetings
4) No makeup
5) No weird office politics
6) No mandatory floor time
7) No "desk" fees
8) No "advertising" fees
9) Conduct your transaction from anywhere in the world on your phone
10) Not be part of a saturated market with a jillion other undistinguishable agents with the same For Sale signs everywhere
Nowadays one would be hard pressed to come up with any benefit at all of working under an old style brokerage, not to mention the part about giving a large chunk of your money away to use their desk ! The cold hard truth is this; brick & mortar brokerages no longer have anything to offer agents that agents can get themselves online, which makes old style real estate companies unable to justify taking an agents commission anymore. Welcome to real estate's future.
Ronny Santana - Broker / Owner
California's Premier 100% Commission Brokerage
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